Larry Le Helped with his SaaS Automated Lead Follow Up CRM System and Got me to 10-15 Closings a Month

2x, 3x, 4x Loan Volume and Units Every Month

June 24, 20246 min read

Prior to FUBots I was closing around four loans per month. Decided to use FUBots. Second month I closed eight. This month I'm closing 12. So, it has been increasing substantially.

Merrily Brown
Partner/Broker/Owner Chief Experience Officer

Mpire Financial

Client: Merrily Brown NMLS#1289756
Channels: Email and SMS Marketing
Value Proposition: Automation Technology and Email/SMS Outbound Copywriting as well as Voicemail Drops providing "Turnkey" Solution for Client

Merrily signed up for my SaaS product FUBots that was designed to do database marketing by sending automated, prewritten and prescheduled emails and SMS messages to a list of leads. She was following up lead sources provided by her real estate agent referral partners and she was having success with but could only follow up so much since she was a "one person team," and could only actually physically follow up so many on her own. She needed automation so she could scale and provide value to her real estate agent partners.

Larry Le's Automated Follow Up Drip Campaign CRM FUBots helps Loan Officer achieve 10 to 15 units monthly

Problem the client needed solving:

Merrily found that not only does she have to try to follow up with the lead as fast as she generates it, but she also has to touch them multiple times sometimes taking more than a year of follow up. This was humanly impossible when dealing with leads in the thousands. She was converting the ones she did manage, but she realized she was losing deals because she'd let them fall through the cracks. She wanted to scale her production and she knew that meant she had to scale up her follow up efforts. She also did not have the time to write her own scripts.

Solution I provided:

I signed up Merrily to my SaaS product FUBots Follow Up CRM and immediately onboarded her and provided her dozens of prewritten drip campaign scripts. A lot of the campaigns were plug and play that I had already written with some covering 600 days with over 100 prescheduled SMS and email messages. She also uploaded old leads from her referral partners which lead to an increase in conversations and activities. Then she used it to expand her real estate agent referral base by offering to follow up on their leads which has grown her referral network.

Key Objectives

Contact all leads as fast as possible and consistently: Merrily found that not only does she have to try to follow up with the lead as fast as she generates it, but she also has to touch them multiple times. This was humanly impossible when dealing with leads in the thousands.

Outbound marketing: Merrily had leads coming in but also had referral partners that had leads that required following up - so focusing on that value proposition so she can offer it to new referral partners was key in creating more relationships and therefore more loans.

Drive interest in working with Merrily and her referral partners: Generate conversations to offer leads an opportunity to work with a team of a lender and real estate agent as a one stop shop. Ultimately to convert leads into loan applications into pre-approved home buyers.

Target Audience

Online leads from sources like BoomTown, Facebook, Realtor . com who have shown interest in homes.

Key Messaging

Introducing a team concierge service and leveraging voicemail drops: By doing so, Merrily and her referral partner now becomes top of mind to anybody who receives and reads their automated emails and SMS messages and voicemail drops. Putting a "voice" to the written outbound communication so to speak.

Real-World Applications: Merrily would promote how effective her FUBots set up is in converting leads and invite new real estate agent she has no prior relationship with and partner with them, offering to upload their old leads into the system, and create a join marketing effort (like the voicemail drops.) Merrily states, "The realtors love it."

Next Steps

Consistently seek out potential referral partners that has old lead that require a lot of nurturing. Upload as many real estate agent databases and allow the FUBots automation to do it's work, and increase amount of closings every month. Hire and train loan officer assistants as needed. Build a team.

Business Results

Before my help she was at 4 loans
First month with my help 2x her loan production to 8 loans
Second month with my help 3x her loan production to 12 loans
Achieved 3M in loan volume in a single month
Did not disclose how many new real estate agent referral partners she gained from leveraging FUBots

Merrily Brown Marketing Client of Larry Le and his FUBots quadruples her loan volume and units and does over 3 million in volume

Current Client Success

Before leaving Pilgrim Mortgage to start her own brokerage, she was ranked #1 Loan Officer out of 40+
She is currently a co-owner of her own mortgage brokerage with 36 loan officers under her
She recently won the "DOMINATE AWARD" from UWM (only 52 out of over 10,000 loan officers get this award.)

Merrily Brown Marketing Client of Larry Le and his FUBots wins UWM DOMINATE AWARD

Key Takeaways

Automation allows for massive immediate growth (and more capacity for referral partners): When Merrily first started, she was getting only a few leads a month and noticed she was letting things fall through the cracks the more leads she added to her database from her real estate agent referral partners. This made so that his growth was very slow. After employing my SaaS product FUBots - she ramped up her lead acquisition by reaching out to more and more real estate agents she did not have a prior relationship with and massively growing her database. She was confident she would provide ultimate value to the real estate agents because her ability to follow up on leads has scaled to handle the capacity.


"Hi, I'm Merrily Brown I'm a loan officer with Pilgrim Mortgage I wanted to share with you a little bit about what experience I've had with FUBots. Prior to FUBots I was closing around four loans per month. Decided to use FUBots. Second month I closed eight. This month I'm closing 12. So it has been increasing substantially.

What's been wonderful is I took my old list and one of my realtors old lists and we put it into FUBots into several different campaigns and the response was phenomenal.

I am now using it to attract Realtors. I actually have the Realtor come in and record a phone message that I send out to leads that we are collectively getting from Facebook. It's wonderful. The customer gets a call from the Realtor, the customer gets a call from the lender. The Realtors love it. I've been able to expand my realtor base in addition to expanding my contacts and leads that are responding.

I highly recommend it thanks."


If you would like to speak to Merrily Brown as one of my references - please let me know and I will provide her information for you.

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Larry Le

The fintech content-creating, digital marketing, sales closing teammate you didn't know you needed.

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